QUESTION & ANSWER with S. Ferguson


S. Ferguson, where do I begin? Sarah is first a military wife, a mother and on Monday, December 19th an AUTHOR!  While Sarah is no stranger to the Indie World where she is known as an avid reader.  This will be her first foray with the title Author with the release of Something There In Between.

So, I figured that what better way for you guys to meet Sarah than to spend a few minutes with her!  I cannot tell you how excited I am for you to read her book …it’s a great debut novel!!   So,  now I’ll just let Sarah fill you in on what she has planned and a maybe few other tidbits of info.

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Have you always wanted to write?  Why erotica?

That’s kind of hard to answer. I guess yes and no. I wrote a lot as a child then stopped until recently. I fell back in love with reading about 3 years ago and it made me want to visit writing again. I wrote a romance with erotic content because that was what I knew, that’s what I primarily read.


When did you realize that Bree & Declan’s story just had to be written?  What’s next?

Bree and Declan’s story is very personal to me, and I wrote the prologue one day because I felt like I would burst if I didn’t. I sent it to a few trusted friends, without them knowing I wrote it.  When I heard their feedback, I knew I was on the right track. Next is Jake’s story, it will be a standalone BUT you will see more Bree and Declan as well as most of the other characters.

Who inspires you?  (Fellow authors, you hubs…just elaborate)

That’s a long list. Lol. My husband is a huge inspiration, because he’s an amazing man, and accomplished so many great things while being an awesome father and husband. My mother, because she’s so strong and intelligent. There are too many authors to list, I could go on for pages. I can say Penny Wylder, Alice K Wayne, JD Hawkins are a few that deserve special mention.


How do you go about your typical day/night of writing?  Your routine?    Any unique or quirky writing habits?

Coffee and music are a must. I cannot write without music playing. I’m terrible at closing out Facebook so I don’t get distracted. I work best when I sprint with a writing partner. I think the oddest thing about my writing is when I sit down I don’t have a plan. I write whatever scene pops into my head, no matter what order. My stories are often fragments that slowly came together to make a whole.

Do you write outlines or build as you go?

I do write a rough outline, usually just important details and major plot points I want to remember.

Do you ever have writers block?  How do you overcome it?

I had horrific writer’s block with STIB. I stopped writing for about 5 months. I just gave myself permission to walk away. Eventually my muse and desire to continue came back and I ended up finishing the book quickly after that.

What kinds of storylines do you think we have to look forward to in the future?  (dark, sports? Etc) 

There will be 3 more books, all standalones, with characters from STIB. Those will all be pretty dark, all of the characters have troubled histories. I have one other story idea but I’ll keep that one to myself right now.

Being the mother of several young children, what has been the hardest part of finding time to write?

I usually can’t write if the kids are home and awake. I typically can get some done while they’re in school, but that depends on what else I have to do. They make it almost impossible some days. TH has a habit of interrupting me right when I get in the zone.


Name one thing about yourself that would surprise us?  (like you can touch your nose with your tongue, you can hold your breath 2 minutes – something funny or unusual)

I have no idea? LOL I can do this weird thing with the bottom of my left eyelid, I can control it and make it move from side to side. Does that count?


The most surprising thing about writing and publishing?  Your followers?

The support. I never imagined people would enjoy the story as much as they seem to be. The love and encouragement from friends and strangers alike. I’m blown away almost every day. I also never realized what a process writing and publishing is. It takes a village and there is so much thought, effort, and work put in to it. I have an entirely new appreciation for authors, bloggers, and publicists after going through this process.

If you could share one thing with an aspiring author, what would that be?

Do it for yourself. There is no way to know what will happen, but do this for you.

What do you do when you’re not writing?

I read a lot and I’ve recently become obsessed with Gordon Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares. Maybe it’s from eating all of Dave’s delicious food.

Tell us one thing that you want people to know/think about S. Ferguson?

That I believe in love, for the flawed, for the perfect, for the broken, for any and all. I want people to read my stories and think, it’s possible for anyone, love is real.


Favorite movie? Star Wars

Favorite Beverage? Coffee

Favorite Author? I couldn’t possibly name just one

Favorite color? Blue

Favorite vaca spot? I really loved Paris

 Hugs or Kisses? Hugs

Skirts or dresses? Neither? LOL

Silver or gold? Silver

Dark or white chocolate? Dark Chocolate

Tattoos or piercing? Tattoos


Thanks so much for your valuable time Sarah.

Best wishes for a fantastic first release next Monday of Something There In Between!



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